Remembrance Day Hackathon
- 1 min11th of November is the Remembrance Day.
Daniel Pocock was attending this year conference SFK in Kosovo, he had the chance to lean about Mural and he wrote a blog about it, Lombard doubs crash mural We planned to organize a hackathon for the Remembrance Day in Prishtina. This hackathon is a special event open to both programmers and non-programmers. We welcome participants with experience of history, geography, media/journalism, experience working with spreadsheets and databases or experience writing small scripts and programs. We are exploring ways to use technology to recognize and memorialise the sacrifices made both by Kosovans and in the armed forces of our international friends. They gave their lives for our freedom today, we invite you to spend a weekend to help explore their stories. The skills and tools we are using are transferable into your own professional projects, whether it involves programming, data analysis skills, multi-media journalism or social media publicity.

Why come? learn new skills by doing a practical task non-profit event: you retain intellectual property rights in your work, sharing it under the GPL or Creative Commons license access to experienced mentors and networking opportunities complete a highly meaningful project that will gain international recognition </br>
Supporters - Innovation Center Kosovo - CoderGals